Ussitamine on eriti madal,räägi kaasa siis,kui asjast ise ka midagi taipad!! Päris hea s?branna oled ju,et foorumis niimoodi taga räägid ja maha teed!! Minuga koos töötavad väga toredad tüdrukud,kellel on julgust ja kätt sellist asja proovida. ..... Most recent incident: A nice religious (baptist I think) family from Pärnu: Mrs Marge Arumäe and Mr Indrek Arumäe went on a family vacation and left their recently birthed dog (chained to the doghouse) along with her litter ...
Rosário, Prof. da EB1 de bTaipadas/b. Sexta-feira, Abril 04, 2008 1:06:00 PM ? Sofia Fonseca disse... oi. venho por este meio convidar te para dares uma espreitadela no meu novo blogue.. ...